User Interface (UI) | User Experience (Ux) | Prototyping | Wire framing |Responsive UI
Web Design & Development | Branding


"Play Your Way to Creativity" is a web experience that is a transformative 21-day journey designed to inspire and guide users in incorporating play into their creative processes. The countdown experience offers short, engaging activities each day, creating a structured and enjoyable routine aimed at fostering creativity.

About the project

In today's digital age, a wealth of information is available on the internet, yet the challenge often lies in consolidating relevant information in one accessible platform. This is particularly evident when individuals relocate from one country to another, investing significant time in researching various aspects of their new environment, from local cuisine to general lifestyle details.

Introducing Sortify, an innovative website designed to address this challenge by providing a comprehensive resource focused on the city of Oswego. This platform recognizes the diverse backgrounds of international students, each bringing unique experiences and knowledge. Sortify aims to streamline the information-gathering process for these students, enabling them to efficiently access details ranging from housing options to transportation and grocery choices.


  • Visual Designer
  • UI Design
  • Website Development
  • Branding


  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Figma
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Problem Statement

Sortify is one-stop destination for newcomers to Oswego, providing comprehensive information on housing, living, and travel in the area. Our user-friendly website offers valuable insights and resources to help you settle in seamlessly.

Project Goals

A single website that integrates housing, grocery, and transport information would address the specific needs of new people in Oswego, offering them a user-friendly platform to access vital information, make informed decisions, and enhance their overall experience in the community.

Project Objectives

Develop a user-friendly website that covers housing, grocery, and transport information in and from Oswego.Provide up to date information about each category.

Target Audience

  • Primary Audience: International Students coming to SUNY Oswego.
  • Secondary Audience: Anyone who’s coming to Oswego.


  • Researcher
  • Designer
  • Developer


  1. Figma
  2. Illustrator
  3. Photoshop
  4. HTML/CSS/

Problem Statement

Sortify is one-stop destination for newcomers to Oswego, providing comprehensive information on housing, living, and travel in the area. Our user-friendly website offers valuable insights and resources to help you settle in seamlessly.

Project Goals

A single website that integrates housing, grocery, and transport information would address the specific needs of new people in Oswego, offering them a user-friendly platform to access vital information, make informed decisions, and enhance their overall experience in the community.

Project Objectives

Develop a user-friendly website that covers housing, grocery, and transport information in and from Oswego.Provide up to date information about each category.

Target Audience

  • Primary Audience: International Students coming to SUNY Oswego.
  • Secondary Audience: Anyone who’s coming to Oswego.


  • Researcher
  • Designer
  • Developer


  1. Figma
  2. Illustrator
  3. Photoshop
  4. HTML/CSS/

Brand design and Identity

Mobile mockup in middle with two screens open on each side displays different parts of the website

Identify problem

People, both local residents and international travelers, often struggle to find straightforward and up-to-date information about housing, travel, and food in a new place. Current resources are scattered, making it time-consuming to gather essential details from multiple platforms. There is a need for a simple and responsive website that offers a centralized guide for anyone, anywhere, looking to explore or settle, providing reliable insights into housing, travel, and dining options.

Laptop mockup with the sortify website open

What is suitable solution?

"Sortify" simplifies your experience by putting all the information about housing, travel, and food in one place. Whether you're a local or a traveler, our user-friendly website makes it easy to find details about where to stay, what to explore, and where to eat. No more juggling between different sources: "Sortify" streamlines the process, offering a straightforward solution for anyone looking to navigate a new place hassle-free.

Project timeline

project timeline that shows the step from one to make the website live

After establishing the brand identity, the focus was on creating website content. Began by gathering user insights and building user personas and flows. This user-centric approach ensures that the website content is tailored to meet the specific needs of our audience.

User Persona


  • Personal pronouns: (she/her)
  • Statement: "I wish I could find all the information about Oswego related to housing, transportation, and grocery options to make the adjustment to the new city easy".
  • Age: 29
  • Location: Oswego, lives in downtown Oswego
  • Education: MA Graphic design and digital media
  • Other: Comes from Iraq, grew up in totally different culture and from a complete different background to Oswego for her graduate school.


Sofia Rossi is a 29-year-old international student from Iraq pursuing her masters degree in graphic design and digital media at the State University of New York at Oswego. She is excited about the personal and academic opportunities in Oswego. However, she realizes that navigating a foreign environment can be challenging, especially when it comes to finding reliable information about essential services like housing, grocery stores, and travel options.


  • Sofia wants to know about transportation options in and from Oswego, such as local buses, trains, and car rentals.
  • Sofia's primary concern is finding suitable housing near the university.
  • Sofia needs to know about the grocery stores in Oswego, including their locations, operating hours and website links.


  • Instead of browsing multiple sources, she needs a  single platform for comprehensive information.
  • A website that provides the option of grocery for specific diet needs.
  • A website that provides up to date information about finding housing to planing a trip to and from Oswego.

User flow is the visual representation of a user's journey through a website or app, illustrating the sequence of steps they take to achieve a specific task or goal.

User Flow

green and yellow flow that shows how user interact with the website


Lo-Fidelity Prototypes

four screens of lo-fi prototypes that in grey and black color shows how the website is going to developlo-fi prototype images shows the large screen variation of the website

Information Architecture

One key objective of information architecture is to ensure that users can efficiently navigate the content they're looking for.

  • An Index page from which the user have access to all the other pages of the website, make it easy for the users to navigate the content.
  • Provide the relevant links with the content to make the whole experience inclusive and relevant for the users.
Lo-fi prototypes that shows how the content is going to structure on the website

Semantic structure

Creating a semantic structure before coding is essential for successful software development. It enhances project clarity, reduces errors, and improves efficiency. It also promotes maintainability and scalability, making it easier to manage and extend the codebase over time

images of the codes and planning that shows the planning for the codes and semantic structure that uses how to code
four variations of the poster for the sortify website two posters on the wall promotes the website


In conclusion, the case study of Sortify, a dedicated website for newcomers to Oswego seeking education or other opportunities, highlights the significance of tailored online platforms to meet the unique needs of this specific demographic. The platform successfully addresses the fundamental requirements of housing, grocery shopping, and travel information, making the transition to Oswego smoother for first-time visitors.

Live Website ↗︎
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